
Hernández & Cía. advised Acciona Concesiones S.L. in their participation in the Comprehensive Project Tender for Group 1 of the 2023 – 2032 Transmission Plan.

26 - June - 2024

Hernández & Cía. advised Acciona Concesiones S.L., through its affiliate Concesiones Perú Holdings Transmisión I S.A.C., in their participation in the Comprehensive Project Tender for Group 1 of the 2023-2032 Transmission Plan, which requires an estimated investment of US$ 329 million.

Group 1 consists of the following three projects: (i) “New Substation ‘Hub’ Poroma (First Stage) and 500 kV ‘Hub’ Poroma – Colectora Link, extensions and associated substations,” (ii) “New Substation ‘Hub’ San José – First Stage and 220 kV ‘Hub’ San José – Repartición (Arequipa) Link, extensions and associated substations (ITC Project),” and (iii) “New SE Marcona II and 138 kV Marcona II – San Isidro (Bella Unión) – Pampa (Chala) Link, extensions and associated substations (ITC Project).”

In the public event organized by PROINVERSIÓN, the OA Consortium (comprising Omega Perú Operaciones y Mantenimiento S.A. and Concesiones Perú Holdings Transmisión I S.A.C.) was awarded the contract for Group 1. The three projects will have a beneficial impact on over 1 million citizens in the regions of Ica and Arequipa, improving the quality of electrical service and boosting economic growth in these two departments of the country.