Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A., an entity that promotes access to adequate housing in the Republic of Peru, placed S/ 91’000,000.00 (USD 24.6MM approximately) in short-term instruments in the First Issuance of the First Short-Term Debt Instruments Program of Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A., which was structured by Banco BBVA Perú. The offer was directed exclusively to institutional investors and the demand for such instruments was S/ 133’800,000.00 (USD 36.1MM approximately).
In this case, the proceeds from the placement of these short-term instruments will be used to the financing of the operating expenses of the Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A., the payment of financial debt services and the execution of credit financing operations specific of its line of business.
Our team as advisors to Fondo MIVIVIENDA: