Hernández & Cía. advised Banco de Crédito del Perú in the granting of a medium-term loan of up to US$17.5 million in favor of Danper Trujillo S.A.C. The financing is aimed at strengthening its agricultural and industrial investments.
The company financed is a Peruvian-owned agribusiness company that is a world leader in the production, processing, and export of high-quality food products. Recognized for its innovation, management model based on the creation of shared value, and commitment to sustainability, Danper Trujillo is a supplier of prestigious global brands and international supermarket chains, and a strategic ally in the global food value chain.
Our team participated in this consultancy:
Hernández & Cía. (Advisor of the of the lender)
Partner: Jose Goyburu
Senior Associate: Andrea Limón
Associates: Rafaela Chumpitazi, Flavio Castañeda